Beginning on Wednesday, June 26th, we will need to completely close the main Rec Center Drive to install the handicap parking area near the Lilac Hill housing site.  Please see the Site Disturbance Plan from Terra.  Unlike previous closures, the entire Rec Center parking lot and access to Goodhue Hall will be 100% open and accessible via a detour on Three Oaks Drive. 

Using Recreation Center Facilities

  • To gain entry into the Rec Center: use the OneCard scanner at interior entrance, and front desk.
  • Hand sanitizing is recommended on the way in and the way out.
  • Wipe down equipment both before and after use.
  • Questions? Call the front desk at x4487.

Fitness Opportunities with Carleton Personal Trainers

Celebrate the little wins, the little victories in your movement”

-Laura Degroot, Personal Trainer

Above: one of many fitness classes in the Rec Center led by the personal trainers. These classes are open to all students, they are highly worth checking out! More information here.

Recent Events: Knight Time Dodgeball Event